Ready for a little cupcake fun? And this one even comes without the calories--bonus! Plus, it’s super affordable--bonus #2!
Buy a pack or two of decorative cupcake liners. They come in lots of great styles and only cost around $2 for a pack of 75. With these liners, you can make party banners, flowers, lanterns (or mushrooms if you ask Cory), cards, drink wraps, decorative boxes, and even fortune cookies. With so many ideas to share, I’m going to limit this post to flowers and banners today, and I’ll bring you the rest on Wed. Deal? Deal!
Making flowers is simple. You’ll want a few doilies large and small, which you can choose to color with spray ink (I used Glimmer Mist by Tattered Angels), or you can leave them white. From there, stitch your liners to the centers of the doilies and glue your creation to sucker sticks.
For an added touch, tie on some tulle leaves.
In this example, I stuck the sucker stick through the center of the cup and glued a little tulle in the center.

I created three types of banners with my liners. This one was the easiest. Begin by cutting two liners (back to back) like a sun so that the liners will lie flat. Once cut, put the two liners back to back and run them through your sewing machine. Continue sewing them on until your banner is as long as you want it.
For this banner, I started by stitching on some crepe paper, which I pleated as I stitched (simply scrunch it together as it’s running through your machine). After a few inches of crepe, stitch on your liners and doilies (optional). I did large liners (cut like a sun) and smaller liners, which I folded in half and layered over spray-inked doilies.
To see the Halloween banner variation I created, complete with step-by-step instructions, check out the Creating Keepsakes blog today.
And if you’re in Utah, I hope you’ll watch Studio 5 this morning (channel 5 at 11:00). I’ll be sharing all of my cupcake liner crafts. If you’re not in my neck of the woods, I’ll post the segment and my remaining liner projects on Wed. See ya then!
Cute, cute! thanks for the inspiration Megan.
*LOVE* I especially love the doilies in the white vases!
I found you from Julie's tweet.I love all of the sweet cupcake liner inspiration!
Fancy Megan. Your filled with so many fun ideas. I really love the Halloween banner. I'm not in Utah, so I can't listen :( If its on the web please let me know where I an find it. Thanks Meg
Love it, thanks for sharing
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