Since I’m 34 weeks for one more day (today). I thought I’d post a few things, 34 to be exact, I’ve discovered about pregnancy. I’ll probably come across as a bit nutty, so I hope you’ll let me know if you can relate to any of these random tidbits.
1. Cory is going to be the cutest dad ever. Okay, I knew this already, but he just reconfirms it for me every day.
2. I’m incredibly superstitious. Now that I’m forced to pass found pennies by instead of pick them up (and there are many pennies out there), I’m worried that bad luck will come my way.
3. People stare at pregnant women and it makes me uncomfortable. I know I shouldn’t, but I feel a bit like a freak show when I’m out and about anymore. I can’t go anywhere without encountering stares.
4. Your stomach isn’t the only thing to expand. My ribs and hips are also spreading, and I’m sure they’re not alone.
5. My daughter (how fun to say that) is just like her mom--she gets hiccups a lot. I’m talkin’ 2-3 times a day. Poor thing.
6. Baby bedding is WAY overpriced.
7. Pregnancy = clumsiness. I seriously drop stuff ALL THE TIME! It’s all the more aggravating, because picking it back up is next to impossible.
8. Young children are fascinated with pregnant bellies. I’ve heard many a comment from youngsters. Most have been good ones.
9. There is no better sound in the world than hearing the baby’s healthy heartbeat. I go in once a week to be monitored on what’s called a non-stress test, and I get to spend 20 minutes listening to that magical, soothing rhythm.
Her heartbeat is measured below. |
10. While it has been difficult being off of my narcolepsy medicine, it hasn’t been as bad as I worried it would be. I can still function at work, drive my car, get out of bed in the morning...far more than I thought I would be able to do.
11. Compression socks are ugly and uncomfortable, but they sure beat varicose veins.
12. I adore watching and feeling my tum move. Just knowing there’s a small person in there making all that ruckus fascinates me.
13. Deciding on nursery colors is next to impossible. Happy to report that I’ve finally made that decision. I’ll post more on that soon.
14. Being pregnant = serious Slurpee cravings. Love the red ones. Would drink one every day if the doc didn’t tell me to take it easy on the sugars.
15. I feel for people who suffer from heartburn. I didn’t know what this was all about until recently, and it’s no fun.
16. This may sound nutty, but I honestly think my belly is getting bigger by the day.
17. Having folks touch my tum doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. It’s nice to see them excited.
18. Bed rest, as nice and relaxing as it may sound, is not fun.
19. Buying bitty clothing never gets old.
Just look at this cute onesie that I spotted at H&M yesterday. It has a Slugbug on it! |
20. Creating a baby registry is hard work.
21. I have no idea what my orbit is. I guess I’m growing faster than my brain can keep up, which has me running into things a lot. Of course, I’ve always been clumsy, so this could just be a symptom of that.
22. Etsy orders need to be placed early. I waited too long (surprise surprise) and now have a mini bedding crisis on my hands.
23. Seeing my babe’s face on the ultrasound screen is so cool. I can only imagine what it will be like to see it looking back at me when she arrives.
I just love seeing her cute little lips in this picture. My dad says it looks like she has the "big Hoeppner nose," but what does he know? ;) And big or not, it's perfect to me! |
24. Baby loves her daddy’s voice. Cory has a deep voice, and I guess babes can hear this frequency better. She sure does react when he’s around.
25. I love how happy an expectant baby makes everyone. Not just us as her parents. My friends and family are all as excited as we are. It’s awesome.
26. There’s guilt associated with the loss of our last baby. Almost like getting too excited about this one is somehow not giving the last one the respect she deserves or something. It’s hard to explain, but there’s always a little ache in my heart where this is concerned.
27. Car shopping is not fun. I thought it would be, but it just isn’t. There are too many to choose from, they all cost big bucks, and the idea of parting with my dear Sally makes me sad.
We're looking at the VW Tiguan, but we still aren't 100% sure. There's just so much to consider. |
28. Speaking of Mustang Sally, getting in and out of a sports car gets more and more difficult with my size increases.
29. Being pregnant and looking uncomfortable as you walk through the mall is like a free pass to escape all of those annoying cart people. You know, the ones who want to “ask you one question” or give you a free sample. I was delighted to find out that they pretty much leave me alone now. I must look pretty miserable, but that’s okay!
30. I crave water, but not to drink. Weird, huh? I find a great desire to be in water right now, and I love the smell of the water coming out of the shower.
31. Speaking of smells, I’ll be happy when my pregnancy nose goes away. Having a Superman sense of smell is not fun.
32. Scales are not your friend when you’re gaining at least a pound a week. Of course, when are they a friend?
33. Friends who plan baby showers are the best. Thanks, PK, Brandy, Michelle, and Joannie!
34. This is a strange time, but it’s a wonderful time, and it’s one I’ll never forget. Each day brings a new adventure, and, as difficult as some of those may be, I love every minute of it!