Pinka dinka do. I have my Nat’l Pink Day winners. According to, my lucky ladies are comments #3 and #8. Congrats!
The winner of my pink apron is: Rae: “Happy pink day to YOU!!”
The winner of a pink button ring is: Tami: “Those are the prettiest donuts I have ever seen! My favorite color is celery/pear/apple green...but I think you already knew that.”
Please e-mail me at with your full name and mailing address (put “blog winner” in the subject line), and I’ll get your goodies in the mail. Tami, please be sure to include which button ring you want. You can find more information on and close-up images at Thanks!
And, thanks to all who participated in my little giveaway. Let’s do it again real soon now, ya hear?
I’m Jack, Megan’s four-year-old Jack Russell Terrier (I came with the name “Jack,” BTW. Mom likes people to think she’s more creative than that. I, on the other paw, am relieved I came with my name, as she creatively named my older brother “Kisses.”)
This is a little note to all the dogs out there who’d like the tricks of the terrorizing trade. You see, I’ve been up to some mischief lately and know that my antics are excellent ways to make your people nutty. Hahahawufbark!
It can be done in 6 simple steps!
Step 1: Fixate I see something, be it a bird, a cat, bird eggs, anything small and furry/feathery, and I obsess. My people think they can get my attention by calling my name in a stern tone. Nope. They try bribing me to come in the house with milk bones. Forgettaboudit! I am in my hunting zone and the only way I’m leaving is if they carry my dog ass in the house.
Step 2: Dig My digging started in the yard and around the trees—rookie mistake. I quickly learned that I should be digging along the fence if I ever wanted to get anywhere. Mom keeps sticking bricks and boards up around the fence, but I have ways around those, which leads me to…
Step 3: Undo Obstacles Brick in the way of progress? Move it. They’re not that heavy. Heck, I’m only 15 pounds and I can drag them out of their carefully positioned spots. Wood fence boards interfering? Eat them. Wood is soft and can be destroyed with teeth.
Step 4: Make the Most of Your Surroundings I’m in the backyard but I want to be in the front. I’ve got a hole, I’ve moved the bricks, now I just need some leverage. Ah wuf hah! There’s a hose. Look for areas of opportunity and tug. Tug with all your might. And when your mom catches you, carries you inside, goes back outside, pushes the hose back through the fence and replaces the brick, simply go out and do it all again the next time you’re let out. Trust me, this will get her blood boiling every time. Hahawufwufwuf!
Step 5: Bark This is an especially good tactic if you’re smaller, as your bark is yelp-y. Bow wow wow! Say it with me! Do this any and every time anything is the slightest bit different in and around your yard. Is the neighbor out minding his own business? Bark! Are the kids in the yard behind yours on their trampoline AGAIN? Bark away. Do you see a cat perched on the porch across the way? Tell that cat who’s boss. Heck, I’ll even bark at the top of my lungs if the wind decides to blow in a slightly unique direction. Use those doggie lungs and make sure you completely ignore your people as they pound on the door and yell “quiet” from inside. Make ‘em come out after you to shut you up. It’s heeee-ruf-larious!
Step 6: Look Cute I have a surefire way to save you once you’ve pushed your limits and have your people ready to snap. Simply give them a cute look. Tilt your cute doggie head to the side, maybe jump up in the air a few times, and definitely get a few licks in. They’ll immediately forget about your “wrongdoings” and maybe even show you a little petting love. Works every time!
I hope you’ve learned a thing or two about how to be a “bad dog.” As we all know, it’s the people who are really bad. They’re the ones sleeping in the nice beds while we're on the floor at their feet in some flimsy excuse for a bed. They’re the ones who eat delicious food, all the while serving us the same puppy chow every day, three times a day, for years! They’re the ones who won’t let us chew on their shoes and slippers, despite their tasty appearance. My tricks are meager in comparison, really, but it’s the least we can do to hold our ground.
I like pink. Duh. Could I possibly make a more obvious statement? As if my pink craft room, my pink clothing, my pink sewing machine, my pink accessories and even my pink doughnuts (more on that in an upcoming post) weren’t enough to clue you in, I have decided to do a blog post in honor of this cheerful color... Okay, another blog post. ;)
But there is a method to my pink madness. You see, today is Nat’l Pink Day. That’s right, blog buds, there’s a day dedicated to a color. First Nat’l Doughnut Day and now this—does it get any better? Oh, I know. Pink doughnuts! I guess it does get better.
So, in honor of my favorite shade, I’m going to give a few pink pretties away. You interested? How does a pink polka dot apron from one of my favorite stores, Hip & Humble, sound? Well, this cute number can be yours (minus the matching owl).
Also up for grabs is a bit of pink sparkle in the form of a handmade button ring. My winner can choose from one of the following. And all of these are currently available over at my little jewelry shop, Happiness on a String.
Before we get to the nitty gritty of the giveaway, I thought I’d share a few of my favorite pink things. This pic of me with a few of my favorite pink posessions was taken for the Paper Crafts magazine blog a few years back. Even then I was doing “Happy Pink Day” posts. I spy with my little eye a Cheshire Cat snowglobe. Do you see him?
Speaking of Pink Day blog posts, my pals over at PC mag are giving away a delicious pink prize pack today in honor of this special ocassion. Click here to enter.
These shots were taken for a little pink mini album I created for Mini Albums in an Evening, an incredible special issue from Simple Scrapbooks magazine. I spelled out "pink" in a bitty key chain album, with a favorite pink item illustrating each letter of the word:
P: Peeps
I: iPod
N: Nailpolish
K: Kitty
A bit nerdy, sure, but it made me smile and I had fun putting the project together. I suppose that's worth the nerd fest. ;)
And for my current magazine, Creating Keepsakes, I had my entire pink craft room featured in our June 2009 issue. How fun is that? You can see close-up shots, how-tos and more on CK’s website. (There will be a link to it on the slideshow that runs on the homepage. You just have to wait a minute for it. Wait for it. Wait for it...) If you have time, I’d love your feedback. This was a doozy of a project but I’ve enjoyed the outcome.
Over the top? Perhaps. But I find happiness in this hue, so why not surround myself with it? Now, if I could only get my hands on the new and fabulous pink printer combo from Canon. One day… On to the Pink Prizes
Okay, let’s talk prize specifics. To be entered into my drawing for an apron or a button ring, please leave a comment about your favorite color and why you love it. Maybe it’s yellow because it reminds you of sunshine. Or perhaps seafoam green is more your thing. Whatever it is, I’d love to read all about it. You have until Saturday, June 27 to comment. I’ll announce my winner right here on Monday, June 29, so please check back.
Now, in celebration of Nat'l Pink Day, I'll leave you with this fun Jason Mraz video - "Geek in the Pink." Fairly fitting way to conclude this post, don't you think? I'm the geek in the pink, y'all!
I did a Google search for “father quotes.” The result – many lovely sayings, most of which accurately describe the feelings I have for my Pop…but it didn’t feel like enough.
There really aren’t words to express the love I feel for my Dear Ole Dad, especially words from another’s mouth and heart. I mean, how do you show appreciation for a person who always believes in you, always jumps to your rescue and always loves you unconditionally? I’m a lucky girl, to say the least.
Happy Father’s Day, Poppy. I love you!
And, as if having an incredible dad weren’t enough, three years ago I gained a second loving father – my father-in-law, Don. To this day, Don always opens the door for his wife. He’s great with a crossword puzzle. He adores his family. He warmly welcomed me into his family long before Cor and I ever tied the knot. And, he raised an incredible man who’s going to make a top-notch father himself someday.
Happy Father’s Day, Don. I love you!
I don’t know what I did to deserve not one, but two wonderful fathers, but that’s exactly what I have. On this, Father’s Day, I want to acknowledge both of them and thank them for making my life better by giving selflessly, loving unconditionally and living fully.
At last, I have a sewing machine. And it’s about the cutest sewing machine in town. That’s right, I called a sewing machine “cute.” Don't you agree? I mean, she’s pink and everything!
I bought this purty girl at a local machine shop in SLC. And you know what? They actually sent me a hand-written thank-you note. How’s that for customer service? I don’t see Mr. Wal-Mart sending out notes of thanks.
Here’s a funny story. I came home from work after buying the machine, excited to test drive her, only to find my sweet Cor at the wheel. He had a pair of old, holey boxers that he was testing the stitches on. And he didn’t even bother to stitch up the holes. ;)
Cor knows I’m not good with word-heavy manuals. I just don’t learn that way. But he does, so he sat down, learned, and shared his newfound sewing machine knowledge with me. Isn’t he sweet?
With his teaching, I made my own buttonhole.
And I made a cell phone pouch for Cory. LOL (Like I really expect him to use it, but I did do it all by myself. It was a proud moment.
I’m now sewing fun little nicks and knacks, which I plan on sharing here soon. In the meantime, I’d love to receive any advice you have to give on being a new mom (to a machine). Cool sewing websites. Dos. Don’ts. What have you. Thanks!
Just a little cheer in honor of today being Nat’l Doughnut Day! I L-O-V-E doughnuts and am all about celebrating with a Harmon’s maple bar drizzled with chocolate icing. Yum!
Before I make my Harmon’s run, I’ll leave you with a few tasty delights!
This is a felt doughnut that I’m definitely going to make for myself one of these days. You can find a tutorial for it here.
If yarn is more your thing, you can knit yourself a doughnut delight. Click here for more.
People are gonna want to nibble my lobes with these yums dangling. See more from the creator of these here.
From head to toe, you can dress in doughnut style. More on these shoes here.
The Travel Channel introduced me to Voodoo Doughnut, a place a must visit. You can actually buy Cap’n Crunch covered doughnuts there, among other unusual, delicious treats!