Hi there, friends! Do you remember my "Brad Bonanza" post? It's the one with the mighty fine picture of Mr. Pitt, so I'm sure it's burned into your brains. ;)
Well, I'm looking for the email address of the person who left me this comment:
peggy w said...
Brads are great. I store mine in a skinny drawer. They are all in their own little individual boxes by cropper hopper and some I picked up at Walmart. I put a hole in the top with my Cropodile and put one brad in the top, so that I know what is in each box. The boxes are only like a 1-3/4" square by 1/2" deep. I love it. I just need to open the drawer and I can see everything I have at a glance. Thanks for the contest. Your idea is great. It inspired me in other ways as well. Now I have other ideas in mind because of it. Thank you.
March 13, 2009 8:56 AM
I'm working on my "Tips & Tricks" column for the magazine I work for (CK) and want to chat with you about an idea I have. So, if you're Peggy W or you know Peggy W, will you please email at mhoeppner@ckmedia.com?
Thanks so much!
P.S. I was so inspired by so many of the comments on that post. Thanks for the great tips and ideas. I plan on contacting more of you soon about possibly working with me on my magazine column. Thanks for sharing your creative ideas!
Ahhhh...your hubby is cute, your doggies are cute. And to think this is my first visit to your blog. Glad you have one! Suzy
I just found your blog. Cute puppies!
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