No, I haven’t reached the 6’ mark (thank goodness), but my hair is longer. Today is measure-in day #2 and my hair has grown an inch since my last (and first)
measure-in on Jan. 9, pictured above.

For those who’ve joined my blog since my last hair post, I’m growing out my strands to donate for
Locks of Love. My sweet mom is in the process of treating breast cancer, and this is something I can do to show support. You need to have at least 10" of hair in a ponytail to donate. I'm at 9", but that's only if I go super shot with the cut. As I've mentioned before, I'm not a huge fan of short-hair Meg, so I may shoot for 12" before I make the cut. At least that will leave me with a little something to hide the birthmark on the back of my neck. ;)
Mom Update
I’m happy to report that Mom just finished her first round of chemo. Can I get a hip hip hooray!? This is a major milestone for her, and I’m so glad she’s reached it. From what I understand, this first round can be the most difficult, and I can see why. Poor Schmom has been very ill. She’s also had a few complications along the way (blood clots and fevers) that they’re working to get under control. And, sadly, she’s lost her pretty head of hair. I’ve purchased several hats for her and she has a couple of wigs, which she's not wild about.
Do you know of any good places to buy quality wigs online? Mom wants a new wig and I want to get it for her. If you have any ideas or suggestions, I’d so appreciate it if you’d share. Thanks!
Facebook Group
Thanks so much to all of you who’ve reached out during this difficult time. Your thoughts, prayers and kind words mean the world to me, both on my blog and in my
Facebook Group. Since my last post, we’ve had 52 people join the Locks of Love FB group. Yeehaw! Your stories and support mean so much.
Here’s some of what’s being said:
* I'm planning on donating about 11" of hair this next month. Then I will let it grow out again and donate again.—Laura H., Salt Lake City, UT
* I donated over a foot of hair two years ago and plan on donating another foot of hair this year. Good thing I have reaaaaally long hair! This is such a wonderful cause and so many children in my area donate their hair to help others all the time. Such a blessing to help others! Deitra Hart (Lynchburg, VA)
* My son, Zane, is growing his hair out for Locks of Love--he is 9 and should be there in about 1 month. I hate to see his beautiful hair go--but am happy it will go to a child. I am moved to grown mine out too! Cindee Campbell Ellenbarger (Stockton / Modesto, CA)
* You GO girls!!! I donated 16 inches this summer, and it felt great!! JJ Sobey (Montreal, QC)
* I am in. I got quite a ways to go since i got buzzed in the summer but away i grow. Jeffrey Dean Hoeppner (Denver, CO)
That last one is my big bro. Isn’t he cool? And he has awesome hair that’s going to make a kickass wig someday. (Why is it the boys always get the great hair and lashes? Well, if they’re donating it to good causes, as Jeff is, then I’m glad they do.)
The Inspiration
None of this would have happened without my friends Angie Lucas and Wendy Smedley. Wendy suggested the idea in the first place, and she and Angie are both growing their hair out with me. Sadly, they too know what it’s like to watch close family go through this hell. Check out their blogs (linked above) to see their latest measure-in results. Here’s where they stood last time we checked in (measure-in #1 on Jan. 9, 2009):
Wendy was at just over 5".
Angie was at about 7".
Speaking of Angie updates, I’d like to welcome Angie to the blogosphere. She has her own new piece of the blog pie. “
Yeah, Write” is as cute as its title suggests. Check it out. You won’t be disappointed.

Well, I suppose I’ve covered everything for measure-in #2. One more inch to go (or three, depending on how short I want to go with the new do). We’ll see if I’m there on measure-in #3. Wish me luck!
And, again, thank you. From my heart, thank you. Your support is helping our family get through this.