There were more than spiders to see this year. Everything from a first-hand look inside the Utah State Prison and cartoonland to freaky candy, fun kids and dressed up pups. This was definitely a Day of the Dead to remember.
To start this and every Halloween off right, I always buy some Frankenberry, Count Chocolate and Boo Berry cereal (Yum!) and, of course, a fine assortment of tasty treats––Peeps (they have Cocoa Cat Peeps this year – awesome!), and these cool vampire teeth with gummy tongues.

The celebration of Fright Night wouldn’t be complete without a costume party or two. Cor and I transformed into Homer and Marge and made a visit to the Opel Mansion for a hauntingly good time.

Homer: Doh!
The festivities continued at the office where I work. It happens to be very near the state prison, so we (the Simple Scrapbooks and Digital Scrapbooking magazines) turned our area of the building into a satellite office for the rowdiest of cons. Welcome to Die-Cut Row!

How's this for fun: I won a costume in both outfits. Simple and Digi won first place at work, and I won a super cute prize for being Marge at the Opel party. Talk about fun bragging rights!

Naturally, the pups had to join in the fun. With Cor and I dressed as inmates, Kiss decided he had better put on his K9 costume and keep us in line. And Jack added the “o-lantern” to his name.

I busted outta the clink at work, only to find the K9 unit waiting for me. Dang it all!

And what’s Halloween without carved pumpkins? Every year, my family gathers at my parents’ house for a little knife fun. Here’s what we came up with this year.

To wrap things up, Cor and I went to a costume party at the Snowbird ski resort, where his family has a time share. Look at these cute little ghouls and boy.

A hauntingly good time was had by all this year! What did you do to celebrate? Come one, I dare ya to tell me. Bwa hahahahahahaha!
Good job aunty!
at least she is flashing the right signs...
heh no package yet..should i be worried???
Looks like a blast was had all day, love your outfits! Your pumpkins look great, I'm sure you're resting up today. ;)
Congrats on the winnings, Megan. Nice costumes! I dig the pups' outfits, too. And, um, dude, warden Jennafer kind of scares me. ;) :) --teri
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