I had the pleasure of attending the Oh Sweet Sadie craft boutique last weekend. Those of you who’ve followed my blog for a while now (you are out there, right?) may recall my
original post about this event. Like last time, I went, I had fun and I spent waaaay too much money.
Here’s some of the yum I found this time around:
A new shirt with handmade flowers sewn on (somewhat hidden behind the hound)

A stylin’ new flower bracelet all the way from South America

Another happy bracelet, this time sewn with a button closure

Fabric hair clips (check out the creator's Etsy shop for more of these cute numbers)

A sweet fabric headband for those warm summer days ahead (get it? A head? Hahahaha!) ;)

They had journals made from different packages and old book covers. I got one made from a Nerds box for my friend’s birthday, because Nerds were her fav as a kid. (And she was/is a nerd.) ;)

A local author was in attendance, selling and signing her cookbook The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner. Cory and I have already tried the white chili in this cookbook, and it is num-didley-um!

I also bought handmade lollies and lemonade, but they were devoured before I could snap a picture.
Do you want to do your own shopping? Perhaps find a few Mother’s Day gifts? There’s a second helping of the boutique this weekend in South Jordan Utah. Here’s the

If you’re a NYC resident who really wants to do some handmade-goods shopping but can’t justify the trip to SLC for the boutique, I have good news. The Spring Handmade Cavalcade is in town May 9-10. Read more about it

I SO wish I lived in the area and could join you for the trip. The good news: they also have a
blog you can check out for cool craft ideas. Hooray!
Happy shopping!