I made my big TV debut this week. I’ve been on the boob tube a time or two, but this was my first time on “Studio 5,” a local human-interest program that airs here in Utah. I received a surprise greeting in my in-box from one of the show’s producers, asking me to do a segment based on one of the classes I taught for the University of Utah this fall. How could I resist?
Here I am on the Studio 5 set, just before going live. Eep!
My segment was on creative holiday update letters. You know what I’m talkin’ about when I say that update letters, also known as form letters, can be a bit ridiculous if not done correctly. Well, I shared a few ways to keep them less on the look-at-us-and-how-great-we-are side and more on the it’s-so-fun-to-reconnect-with-you-in-this-unique-way side. ;)
This is one of the projects I shared on the show, complete with instructions:
Step 1: Make a bitty flip book using small envelopes. To play on the “My Favorite Things” theme, I used brown paper packages…I mean, envelopes, brown paper envelopes!
Step 2: You’ll need one envelope for every member of your family you plan on including in your update, plus one for the cover. Add adhesive to the top, outside edge of all but one of the flaps.
Step 3: Stack the envelopes, tucking each flap inside the next and fold the flaps down to adhere them together.

Step 4: Add small photos (mine are 2" square) to the outsides of all of the envelopes, minus the cover. Don't forget the furry family members. Note: I also matted my photos on scalloped square pieces of patterned paper, which I punched.
Step 5: Give each of your family members a “Favorite Things” quiz and write the answers on small note cards that will fit your envelopes. This is a fun way to get to know the loved ones you spend everyday with, while also sharing your interests with your extended list of family and friends.

Step 6: Tuck each family member’s card inside the envelope with their photo on it.

Step 7: Tie up your brown paper package with string (or baker’s twine) and secure it in place by threading it through a button.

I’ll be sure to share some of my other show projects with you in the coming days on my blog. After all, now’s the time to get crackin’ on those festive greetings.
For now, I’ll leave you with a look at the show. Please don’t judge me too harshly. I’m use to being the publicist behind the talent, not the talent. Trust me, it’s a completely different view from this angle. If my video doesn't work, you can view it by clicking
here. Enjoy!