All IKEA fans raise your hands! I know you’re out there, and I’m right there with ya. What’s not to like about a store that carries hip things at rock bottom prices? I like it so much, in fact, that I used to plan roadtrips around the store…that is until they built one practically in my backyard. Thank you, shopping gods, for answering my prayers!
So, I’ve been giving this some thought. I know there are others like me out there, and I know that IKEA’s website sucks ass. Sure, they show you what they have. Tease you with the goods. But what they show and what you can buy are two very different things. Why have a website of goods that aren’t available to purchase online?
Here’s my IKEA Idea – catchy, eh? – I want to start taking IKEA orders from the poor desperate souls like me out there, who really want those adorable, bitty jars, but can’t buy them online and don’t have a store in their area. Send me your shopping list and, for a nominal fee + shipping, I’ll go get you what you need.
What do you think? Do I have a business idea or what? The only trick would be figuring out a trustworthy system that would work for both parties. One that would ensure I’d get my money upfront while also reassuring the costumer that they’d receive their order. That will take some thinking.
I guess I’m just blog-storming here – my new word for brainstorming via my blog – since there’s got to be someone out there who appreciates this idea more than the company I keep (two mutts and a hubby) ever will.
Thanks for entertaining my wild imagination!
So, I’ve been giving this some thought. I know there are others like me out there, and I know that IKEA’s website sucks ass. Sure, they show you what they have. Tease you with the goods. But what they show and what you can buy are two very different things. Why have a website of goods that aren’t available to purchase online?
Here’s my IKEA Idea – catchy, eh? – I want to start taking IKEA orders from the poor desperate souls like me out there, who really want those adorable, bitty jars, but can’t buy them online and don’t have a store in their area. Send me your shopping list and, for a nominal fee + shipping, I’ll go get you what you need.
What do you think? Do I have a business idea or what? The only trick would be figuring out a trustworthy system that would work for both parties. One that would ensure I’d get my money upfront while also reassuring the costumer that they’d receive their order. That will take some thinking.
I guess I’m just blog-storming here – my new word for brainstorming via my blog – since there’s got to be someone out there who appreciates this idea more than the company I keep (two mutts and a hubby) ever will.
Thanks for entertaining my wild imagination!
OMG, sign me up.
Since I've never seen seen an Ikea, I love the idea. ;) I just came across your blog and wanted to say hello, hope you're doing well. And I can't believe you touched the spider skin.. ekkk!!!
I LIKE it... GREAT business idea Megan, put me down on that list! I used to live 30 minutes from the sweet Chicagoland IKEA in Schaumburg, used to go ALL the time... now I'd need to travel to ATLANTA for an IKEA fix... ain't happening.
{BTW, welcome to the blogosphere!}
that is a very good idea...i would have taken you up on that about one year ago, but they just built one like 20 minutes away...the gods also answered my prayers!!
Ok megan...it must be fate you hit my blog with a comment, and Im heading to my IKEA 3 miles away from my house this week!!! So Tell me what you need, i will be your personal shopper!!!! Seriously, email me at sarahbear74@yahoo.com and Ill give you my cell #- im sure we can work something out!!
Sarah Castro
(the silly gal who took your class at CKC!)
PS im off to google my name!!!what a cool idea...i wonder if im on a blog out there!!!!
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