It’s with a heavy heart that I write this post. Almost one year to the day after Mom went in to have her breast cancer removed (the day before Thanksgiving, 2008), we learn that our cancer fighting isn’t over. My sweet sister-in-law, Sabina (Cory’s brother’s wife), received a call on Friday and learned that her leukemia has returned.
This is a shot of some of my Suggs sistas (in other words, my sis-in-laws). Sabina is the beautiful girl to my left.
Sabina first fought this battle 12 years ago, when she was in her early 20s. Since then, she’s been actively involved in supporting cancer-fighting causes, including running many races. Also, her mom is a breast cancer survivor, so she has many reasons to fight the good fight.
This shot is a shot of Sabina when she was in the hospital for her bone marrow transplant 12 year ago. Isn't she a cute baldie?
Ironically, Sabina had just signed up to run a leukemia race days before she received the news. Now she’s updated that status of her race page to read, “Running for MY life.” And run she will. As long her beautiful body will carry her, she plans on making the run. This is where I hope you’ll join in our support.
This is Bina running the St. George marathon this past August. You go, girl!
Sabina is collecting funds for her run. Any amount will help. I know it’s the holidays, but it would mean the world to us if you could donate a few dollars to her cause. If you have me on your Christmas list, I would be honored if your gift to me would be to donate to her cause. Please visit her web page to read more about her story and find information on donating to her race. You can also read a little about her past experience on her blog.
More than the money, I write to ask for your prayers. This is a scary, sad time and support is needed right now. Any you can send our way always is and will continue to be deeply appreciated.
Sabina is a bright star in our family, always smiling and making us laugh. Even at her lowest points with the cancer battle 12 years ago, you’d see her smiling and putting others at ease (as the photo above illustrates). The difference now is that she’s also a mommy, which makes this all the more difficult.

I know I seem to say this a lot lately (what can I say, it’s been an unusually rough year), but I’m going to say it again. Please value every moment you have with your loved ones. Don’t be shy with the “I love yous,” stingy with the hugs or light on the kisses.
“Thanks” isn’t enough, but it’s a start. I thank you for the support you’ve shown my family and me this past year and for the support I know you’ll continue to show. It’s incredible, because so many of you who read and comment are people I’ve never met, but you reach out as if we’re the closest of friends. I’m blessed and humbled by your compassion. From my heart, thank you!