Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Bloggy Birthday Wish

“Sending Birthday Cards” is inevitably a repeat offender on my list of New Year’s resolutions, but since I resolved not to make any resolutions this year (see my "Realistic Resolutions") I’m happy to report that I’m not failing miserably. No, this doesn’t mean I’m sending cards in a timely manner; it just means I’m not messing up my resolution. What a relief!

I know this is about as tacky as it gets, but I’d like to at least start doing blog shout-outs to my birthday buds each month. It’s better than nothing, right? Or is it worse? Ugh. I don’t know. I’ll still do my very best to get cards to people, but at least I’ll have my blog birthday bases covered. That’s a start. So, without further ado…

Here’s Hoo:

Mikayla Dickey
Junko Barker
P.K. Smith
Cathy Zielske
Jenny Willden
John Miyake
Angie Lucas
Kacey Patterson

Much love and birthday happiness to you all!


  1. Don't underestimate yourself. It's cute! Owls = cutttteeeeee. :) Colors = yum. ---teri


Thanks for your note. I always love hearing from you!