Thursday, May 22, 2014

Today's the day! A big, years-in-the-making day! (And a giveaway to celebrate!)

*deep breath* I've been thinking about this day for years. At least five. Asking myself if I should or shouldn't do it. Asking myself if I have what it takes to do it. It's scary, ya know? Putting yourself out there. Hoping others like what they see.

Because, really, that's what making things is all about—it's putting an extension of yourself out for the world to receive. All you can do is hope they like what they see and try not to take it personally if they don't. The insecurities of a creative? Very likely!

But if you know me, you know I lack a bit in the confidence department. I don't understand it. I'm sure I never will. I'm surrounded by tremendous love and support. I've been offered incredible opportunities. I've worked extremely hard and seen the result of that work come in unforgettable experiences and relationships.

So why the confidence question? Like I said, I don't know. It's just a part of who I am, I suppose. And I think it's high time I learn to embrace that fact and learn to work around it.

But it makes today difficult. No, I'm not launching my own big company. I'm not releasing a novel. I'm not the lead on Broadway...

I'm simply opening a little shop on Etsy.

Something people do every day. But it's difficult because the idea has been in my brain forever and I've been afraid of it. Afraid I won't succeed. Afraid making it official will somehow take the joy out of it or add too much pressure. Well, to all of that, I'm finally ready to say...

What's the worst that can happen? I won't sell a thing, the shop will sit, and I'll live to see another day. Will I be any worse off than I am right now? Absolutely not. So I'm going to follow my arrow, which is pointing in the direction of this little launch, and I'm just going to do it.

What's the best that can happen? People like what they see and place orders. I make a little extra income off this venture while continuing to love the art of the craft. While finding joy being able to make some money as I get to be home with my beautiful daughter. Does it get better? Okay, maybe if some awesome little shop called up and placed an order for their store. That could absolutely add to the excitement. But I'll be tickled with a few orders. It's more than I had at this time yesterday, after all. And it comes from me facing a fear and conquering it. And that's pretty cool!

So, it is with a little bit of fear and a lot bit of excitement that I'm here to introduce to you...

[Dawn on Me]

Named after my beautiful Maggie Dawn, who inspired the onesie side of the business when I decided to photo-document her first year by creating this little set of shirts.

From there, I made a set for a friend, and LOVED seeing a little something I made become an important part her family's life. (Thanks, sweet Brandy, for allowing me to share your photo.)

And somehow I started getting requests here and there, which made me happier than a Muppet on Sesame Street. Thank you to all who've ordered. So very much!

Important Note: For now, please email me to place onesie orders. Still trying to figure out ordering options for them via Etsy. Thanks so much!

The Posie Story
Awe, my posies. A few unfortunate souls have heard me agonize over these more times than I care to admit. Do I put them out there or don't I? What if people steal my idea? Yeah, back in 2007 (ish), this nonsense kept me from doing anything with my bracelets.

Finally, I slowly came out of my shell and starting offering them here and there. They were selling, which made me feel great! But then I had a baby and had to put the bracelets on hold. Each bracelet takes about four hours to make, and there simply wasn't time to do them.

Fast forward a year or so, when a very sweet person I know asked me to make one for a special charity event she was involved with. I created this design, which I posted to my FB and Instagram accounts.

The response was overwhelmingly positive. From this picture alone, I received ten orders. Ten! How exciting! So I posted a few more on my social media channels, which resulted in more orders. Again, thank you. It's not enough, but it needs to be said. I sure appreciate your warm reception. And I hope those of you who ordered bracelets are loving them as much as I have loved making them for you!

It was the combination of these experiences coupled with the constant love and support of family and friends that finally gave me the courage to take this step today. Now I actually have bracelets online, in a shop, waiting for new homes. Awesome!

No more letting that nasty fear interfere. (Should really be spelled enter-fear, don't ya think?)

Time to Celebrate
In celebration of today, I meant to announce on Studio 5 today that I'd be giving away a bracelet here on my blog, but I was so nervous about announcing this debut (and television rarely makes me nervous anymore) that it all ended up being a bit of a blur. I know I gave cute Brooke Walker, the show's awesome host, a BYU-blue bracelet, but I'm honestly not sure if I ever even mentioned the fact that I'm offering a giveaway. D'oh! (The joys of live(ish) TV.) So, whether I said it on the tele or not, I'm saying it here...

I'm giving away a bracelet of your choice!

Either your choice of any bracelet already in my shop, or I'm totally happy to do something custom for you. To enter, simply leave me a little note here (including your e-mail, please) between now and Monday, May 26, and I'll randomly select a winner.

My Gratitude
Thank you, friends, for making this an extra special announcement for me. I love that I can share (over share?) the thoughts in my head without hesitation. I've always been one to wear my heart on my sleeve, so this TMI announcement today likely comes as little surprise to most of you, but it still means the world to me that you're so receptive and kind with your words. Your responses to my previous Posies post were so, SO helpful. I definitely feel supported. And I value each of you for leaving those words so much. (Someday I'll figure out how to reply to your comments via email to thank you personally. Until then, please know that I read each note received and love doing so.)

Okay, I best be off. I have a business to run. Eep! Feels great saying that! I sure appreciate your being here to celebrate with me today. More than that, I appreciate your being here with me every step of the way leading up to this point. Sincerely and completely.


P.S. I have a shop! Eeeep! :)


  1. You are the cutest!! Thank you for sharing your gifts😃

  2. Forgot my email😃

  3. Congratulations to you Megan for doing something that makes you happy and will in turn make so many others happy.

  4. Congratulations!! I'm sure your shop will do well. I love the Posie bracelets and I can't wait for my brother to find out whether they are having a little boy or a little girl so that I can order a onsie set. Love them!!

  5. Congratulations on your new venture, how exciting!!! Love your fabric bracelets, so cute:-)

  6. Love the bracelets!

  7. Yay! What a big step! If I knew any new babies I'd be grabbing some of the onesies, especially the ones with the stitching. Adorable! And the baby tag is really sweet. And I love the posie bracelets, especially the yellow and white striped one.

  8. Congrats! I have to say that I'm surprised that you haven't had a shop before this- you've been posting so much cute stuff over the past several months. Wishing you much success!

  9. Thanks for all the cute ideas. I would like to think I used to be like you, but who am I kidding! You are amazing. Love the chick feeder and of course those sweet bracelets. I would be so excited to have one! Pick me! Pick me!

  10. Congrats, Megan! I'll be sure to check out your store. You do the cutest things. I'd love a bracelet.

  11. Wow Megan, the onesies and the bracelets are wonderful! You are SO very talented. Congrats on your Etsy shop...I'll be checking your listings right away!
    Thanks so much for the chance to win a bracelet. :)

  12. Congrats! And I must say your bracelets are beautiful!

  13. You have so much talent and inspiration to offer everyone! You will succeed at anything you do! :)

  14. Congrats
    and thanks for being so generous!

  15. Love the looks of these great bracelets! Go girl!!

  16. Love your Posie bracelets and wishing you the best of luck! Congrats for finding the courage to follow your dreams.


Thanks for your note. I always love hearing from you!