Monday, April 28, 2014

Today, I scrapbook.

If you've ever created for a living, you know two things to be very true.

1. You're remarkably blessed to earn money by doing a hobby you love. I mean, how many get to say that playing with paper helps pay their bills? It really is a dream opportunity.

2. Creativity on demand can be. . . well, demanding. There's no magical switch to hit while on a deadline, and sometimes those ideas simply don't want to come. For some, myself included, this can suck the fun out of crafting. Take it from being a hobby to be enjoyed o a task that needs accomplished. This isn't always the case, but it has been known to happen. Just like if you work in a Snow Shack. You don't necessarily want to come home and eat snow cones for fun . . . actually, as a former Shack employee, I realize this isn't the best analogy, but you get where I'm going.

This brings me to my point. Finally. I haven't scrapbooked for myself since losing my job back in Sept. My crafty heart is still healing, and I just haven't had the desire to touch my scrapbooking supplies. This doesn't mean I haven't. I've created several layouts for various assignments I've been blessed to receive (per aforementioned item #1), but I haven't sat down just to let my scrappy juices flow . . . until now.

On Saturday, my Facebook update was simple. "Today, I scrapbook."

These three little words received over 100 likes. It's almost as if you felt their significance without my having to elaborate on what an accomplishment this was. Thank you for getting it.

And now, I have projects I've created that bring me joy. And I created them simply because I felt motivated to do so. Isn't that something? It sounds silly, perhaps, but it's something special to me.

So, today, I scrapbook!

And with Nat'l Scrapbooking Day this Saturday, the timing is perfect. I'm participating in Big Picture Classes' big Nat'l Scrapbook Day10K event this week, which means I'll be posting some of my pages to my Instagram account as part of a group effort to get 10,000 layouts uploaded. Isn't that great? More on that soon. In the meantime, my baby girl is spending the day with her grandparents and I have a date with my craft room. Simply because I want to be there.



  1. Not silly at all. Welcome back to it!

  2. :) Well said and welcome back.

  3. Amen to that! Sometimes when you leave the snow shack you need an ice cream cone. Good luck with your crafty endeavors!

  4. I just signed up for your creative live class and hopped on over to your blog. I'm excited to hear more of what you've got in your heart on crafting and making. I'm not a scrapper, but I am slapper and now into these slide-in-pocket albums and the fast to fab albums that allow me to tell the story with my photos and have time to journal. Where were your working back in September, was is a scapbook focused job?

  5. I was sad when you lost your job too--you're fun and creative and I loved reading your posts. So glad you found your creative heart again.

  6. Welcome back and it looks like you haven't lost your touch:)


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