Friday, December 31, 2010

Craft-room cleanup and a Follower Freebie!

I’m determined to start the new year off on an organized least where my craft room is concerned. I’ve spent the majority of my holiday break cleaning and sorting, sorting and cleaning. I’m tired (what else is old?). The pic above (taken today) may not look like it, but I’ve actually made much progress. For one, I can actually see my desk, my daybed, and even my floor. That’s progress, baby.
Here are just some of the supplies I’ve sorted out to give away. Whew! No wonder I’m tired.

The Problem
I’ve decided the problem is I’m a hoarder. I hang on to stuff for waaaaay too long. For example, I have Stampin’ Up! stamp sets from 1999! I was in high school in 1999. I have paper and supplies from companies that, sadly, aren't even in business anymore (Luxe Designs, Scenic Route, Imagination Project, Rusty Pickle, and many, many more). I have beautiful Making Memories ribbon cards that I purchased when I was a teenager, just discovering the magic of Michaels. In other words, I have a lot!  
It’s time for a change. As much as I LOVE my supplies, I just don’t have room for all of them anymore. My craft room is small, and I’ve decided that I need to keep only what I can contain. 
The Favorites! (some of them, at least)
Of course, there are those favorite lines that I’ll never bring myself to get rid of (what’s left of them), no matter how old they may get. We (scrapbookers) all have these. For me, some of these oldies-but-goodies include:
Mellow by BasicGrey: As soon as I saw the cute little people, pups, and tress in this collection, I was hooked! 

Girl Friday by Cosmo Cricket: I've always adored rotary phones (you can read more about that obsession here), and this line is one of the first I remember offering that cool motif (as well as many others). Also, the colors are so bright and happy! 

Little Pieces stamp set by Stampin' Up!: Funny story about this set. I actually came up with the idea for it's counterpart, Big Pieces, when I was working at Stampin' Up!. It was a happy accident that I'll have to tell you about sometime. In the meantime, don't you just love these versatile, bitty images?

Craft Fair by American Crafts: This line came out right after I got my sewing machine. I loved (and continue to love) all of the sewing sassiness found in this collection. 

Scrumptious by Sassafras (back when “lass” was still in their name): This is one of the first lines I remember seeing with an owl in it. And it was pink to boot! What's not to love?

And many more! 
Do you have some all-time favorite lines or products? If so, I’d love to read about them here. Just drop me a line in the form of a comment, and let me know what makes your must-keep product list. 
The Giveaways!
Alas, as much as I love some of the products I’ve gathered over the years, I’ve decided that it’s time to bid some of them adieu. (Note: I will not be giving away the ones listed above. Sorry.) On the bright side, this means giveaways! I’ll be dividing and boxing some of my stash to use as Follower Freebies over the next several months, starting today. 
The December 2010 Winner!

Congratulations to Brenda! You’re my lucky Follower Freebie winner for December. Thanks so much for your interest in my blog. I value and appreciate your readership. Please e-mail me with your mailing address and I’ll get your box sent out. You may even find some cute baby-girl scrappy goodness in it. (Brenda’s having a baby soon.) Huzzah! 
(Please e-mail me at M2E2G @ with your address and I'll get the box sent.) 
Happy new (and organized) year, all! 


  1. I have spent some of my holiday reorganizing my scrap space as well. I have to wait until next weekend for DH to pick up some shelves and install them. I think it is going to look great when it is done..and a trip to Ikea will be following of course. More orange storage is required.

  2. Good for you! I'm a hoarder too, but it sounds like I'm more shameless than you are. ;)
    I have a bunch of BG's Mellow too - one of my favorite BG lines ever, and that's saying a lot.
    I also have some Chatterbox Sun Room and Rec Room (let's just call it "classic"). And Scenic Route was a fave before they sadly went out of business - SR Grafton and Salem (their Halloween line) *sigh*
    Were you ever into Junkitz papers? I still have some of their Destinations line. I could go on and many great scrap companies and past collections that I continue to love!

  3. Love those lines...especially Mellow. I can understand your hoarding issues. This year, I'm working on using what is already in my stash. doesn't help that here in NZ I don't have many options. Oh how I miss Michael's....

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas despite your heartaches. I'm praying that blessings overflow to you and your family in 2011.

  4. Oh, wow...can't decide if you've inspired me (shamed?) to "let go" or scared me into clutching scrapbooking stuff from 1997 (true. sad but true).


  5. I love Craft Fair! I definitely hoard my favorite papers. If they are obselete I don't even want to cut them.

  6. HaPpY NeW yEaR Meghan. I think thats a good way to start the new year.

  7. More power to you. I admire you wanting to clean out. I, on the other hand, just continue to hoard. Love the pretty papers, inks, stamps, brads. You are making feel bad about having so much, I am always afraid what I give away will be what I need next week or month or year. In addition to scrapbooking, I make cards as well. Suggestions of where I can purge some of my stuff? Went nuts several years ago on E-Bay with Stampin up stamps. My one resolution this year is to use every set of stamps that I have and if they don't suit me anymore, to get rid of them. I know this is long, but you have really inspired me, guilted me, whatever. Love your blog and do hope your 2011 is a wonderful year.

  8. It must be a New Year thing...I, too, have been sorting and reorganizing my craft space. It, too, overflows because I can't get rid of anything. I still have paper and stickers from when I started scrapping about 13 years ago, and keep thinking that someday I'll use them.

  9. Anything Basic Grey! Even the girlie stuff and I have all boys. Even the dog and 2 cats are male! I need to de-clutter too, but it'll have to wait until I... 1) move and/or 2. finish nursing 2012! I'm a new follower, and here's to good intentions ~ Cheers!


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