Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Stuff Week, Day 3: Wall Art for the Craft Geeks

Just because it says it’s a car decal does not mean it won’t also work as wall art. And with so many cute car decals out there, this is one technique I couldn’t pass up. I picked up these car clings from Vinyl Wall Art (
With "Crafty Geek," "Bead Geek," "Scrapbook Nerd" and "Sewing Girl," I love how they represent different areas of my creative life, and with words like “nerd” and “geek” they definitely describe me well. As soon as I saw these, I knew they needed a place on my craft room wall. Here's what I did.

Step 1: Color Canvas

My craft room is pink and black, so I painted two 5" x 7" canvases black with acrylic paint.

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I didn’t have pink paint, so I colored the two pink canvases with Glimmer Mist.

Step 2: Apply Vinyl

Apply vinyl to the canvas just as you would to any other surface by rubbing it into place.

Step 3: Adhere Ribbon
I stapled coordinating ribbon around the edge of each canvas, alternating between pink and black.

Step 4: Put your vinyl up on the wall in an order that works for you.

That's it! Four easy steps and you can have completely fun, completely unique wall decor.

A Bit o' Blog Candy

BTW, I mentioned that I wanted to give stuff away durning stuff week. Well, that begins today. Thanks, Reyanna, for your comment on yesterday's post. I have a pack of brand new Glitz Girls product with your name on it. Please e-mail me at with your mailing address and I'll get it sent right out. Thanks, girl!


  1. So cute! Love the happy face on sewing girl, and cool that "bead geek" is on the list of wall art too. :)

  2. those are cute but I don't think I could get away with putting one up. My scrapbook room is the corner of my living room. and since we share hubby and boys didn't want the room really girly lol. Maybe after the boys are grown and gone I can confiscate one of their rooms and go pink crazy.

  3. Those cling would be so perfect for my craft room because it describes me perfectly.

  4. oh man, super cute. I must haveeeee. The Scrapbook Nerd is my fav. Thanks for sharing

  5. This is amazing..who would have thought..i need to get me some!

  6. What a cute idea and so much fun. I love it! Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be linking to this.

  7. I love it! I may just have to try that. :)


  8. haha i am a total geek!

    hockiemack at


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