Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sew Happy Together

At last, I have a sewing machine. And it’s about the cutest sewing machine in town. That’s right, I called a sewing machine “cute.” Don't you agree? I mean, she’s pink and everything!

I bought this purty girl at a local machine shop in SLC. And you know what? They actually sent me a hand-written thank-you note. How’s that for customer service? I don’t see Mr. Wal-Mart sending out notes of thanks.

Here’s a funny story. I came home from work after buying the machine, excited to test drive her, only to find my sweet Cor at the wheel. He had a pair of old, holey boxers that he was testing the stitches on. And he didn’t even bother to stitch up the holes. ;)

Cor knows I’m not good with word-heavy manuals. I just don’t learn that way. But he does, so he sat down, learned, and shared his newfound sewing machine knowledge with me. Isn’t he sweet?

With his teaching, I made my own buttonhole.

And I made a cell phone pouch for Cory. LOL (Like I really expect him to use it, but I did do it all by myself. It was a proud moment.

I’m now sewing fun little nicks and knacks, which I plan on sharing here soon. In the meantime, I’d love to receive any advice you have to give on being a new mom (to a machine). Cool sewing websites. Dos. Don’ts. What have you. Thanks!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Megan!
    I am so excited that you have done so well since leaving SU! You have so much talent that is being put to good use now. I check you out on the CK website when I get it. Great job!
    Take care and know that you were missed when you left! (I'm not longer there since the layoffs in April - - - I'm loving life right now and spend lots of time with grandkids!)
    Connie Jewkes

  3. I love these tutorials:

  4. Congrats on your new machine, Megan! I'm not an expert seamstress quite yet, but I'm working on learning the basics. I'm excited to see some of your projects!

  5. That is so exciting!!!
    Congrats, and what a gem Cor is!!!
    Doing all that reading and stuff for you, that is awesome!
    My best advice is to take it in for tune-ups every year, it costs a little extra, but I have had mine for over 20 years and it is running like a champ!
    (wow that makes me sound so old!)

  6. Megan, YAY! I'm stoked for you! I think I'm going to take up sewing soon too. Looks like so much fun! Enjoy it! :D

  7. Oh... and p.s. You know how i learned to use my QK Silhouette?! Hubby read the manual, played around with the machine, and then taught me! LOL! :D Hubbies are so handy! ;)

  8. Note to self: call on Megan next time I need something sewn or mended. :)

  9. so fun!! and i love your banner!! :)

  10. Love your new machine - the one I bought when we moved into our house 16 years ago recently gave out on me and I'm in the market for a new one. The one I had just went forwards and backwards and did a zig-zag...can't believe how much technology has changed sewing machines now! Love all the fancy stitches - tell Cory i'll be watching for his first quilt :)

  11. If you decide to applique anything (that's my favorite way to use my machine), when you're ready to turn a corner, put the needle DOWN and just turn the fabric. It'll save you LOTS of heartache.

  12. That's the sweetest thing any husband has ever done!!


Thanks for your note. I always love hearing from you!