Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here's the Story

Picture it: my family room, August 2008. I’m setting up my new blog when I come to the part where it asks for a blog name. Ummmm… “I don’t know yet,” I think to myself. And “I don’t know yet” is what I type in (meant as a placeholder, not as a permanent title).

Fast-forward almost a year and “I don’t know yet” still sits atop my blog… until now.

Welcome to “That’s What She Said!” A blog about crafting, shopping, narcolepsy, breast cancer (Mom updates), charity and any other random thoughts that come to mind.

Are you at all interested in the other options I had on my list? They're listed below:

Red Bull Brilliance
Megan’s Musings
Hoeppner’s Hodgepodge
Like a Red Bull in a China Closet (thanks for the creative idea, Angie!)
Red Bull & Creative Juice

What do you think? Did I make the right choice? I had "Red Bull Brillance" as a close second.


The name’s not the only new addition. Check out my adorable header. I L-O-V-E love it! My incredibly talented friend Holly Jones created it. I'm a lucky lady.

Thanks, Holly. I SO appreciate you sharing your talents with me/my blog.

I hope you enjoy the long overdo blog additions. Thanks for sticking it out. (That’s what she said.) ;)


  1. Me likes that's what she said. But you have a lot to live up to. You must make Michael Scott proud with all your posts. If you do not, we can no longer be friends.

  2. l♥ve the blog makeover megan, and your darling profile pic ;)
    hope that you are well!!

  3. Love the name and the header--Holly's amazing, huh! It was so good to see you last Friday--let's not wait so long next time. HDANSD! (happy day after NSD)


Thanks for your note. I always love hearing from you!